Over the years I have seen the question come up many times .. “How do I know which path is the right path for me?”
I cannot tell you what path to follow or how to find your path but I can tell you how I found my own and continue rediscovering my way in this world.
It would be easy if all roads were paved and smooth and ran in a straight line to where you want to be …. But thats not really how it is .. the paths are not smooth and certainly not paved!!
I see our paths more like hiking trails up a very large mountain … the trails are our choices .. the things we take on.. the way we live our lives .. some head straight up the mountain and some curve around and around that mountain … some make loopty loos and take us in a few circles as we make our way to the top…
The Mountain is this lifetime … this Earthwalk
The top is where all the paths lead and where we all wish to find ourselves at the end of our journey.. at the top looking over all that we had accomplished… all that we had been through and all that we had survived.
Finding where you belong can be a very long and tricky road .. don’t expect to open a book and suddenly find your way and then again it could happen that way… you never know.
By reading about many different ways of life is a good way to begin finding out where you do or don’t fit in. It also opens your mind to ways you probably never thought of and yet possibly felt within.
Experience life ..
Go out and meet new people .. put yourself out there to take in all experiences ..
Most importantly learn to go within yourself and follow your heart.. your heart will always be true to you when the head might interfere.
I feel that life is a journey of exploration where we are constantly learning about who we are and where we wish to be. I, myself will continue rediscovering my path as I make my way up the mountain… over and over again.
I learned a long time ago not to expect things to stay the same.. and that change is inevitable. Change can be scary … not knowing whats around the corner is something that causes fear in many of us. The trick is not letting that fear stop you from experiencing what life has to offer.
I describe my own path as coming from everything .. from many ways of life .. I am not of one religion or belief … I am from all … My ancestors come from all over and in the many lives I have experienced and not all of the same place, religion or path.. I have been on many different trails up the mountain and from each I have taken something with me and from each I bring with me something special into this life ..
My path I have found is to live and enjoy the hike up the mountain … to honor and respect all that come to pass as I make my way and to continue living, loving and dreaming.
Many Blessings in finding your way,
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