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Monday, September 2, 2013

Lost in His Kiss

Sigh…. It never gets old or common place.. that kiss…. when his lips touch mine I find myself lost in his kiss. You know how in those romantic movies the camera slows to focus on the couple locked in a magical kiss.. the camera zooms in on their faces and slowly encircles them as the background becomes fuzzy and fades away …. as if the world around them has completely disappeared… well that’s exactly how I feel every time my husband’s lips touch mine.
No matter what else in the world is going on … my worries and my stress lessen and I am lost in the magic of a single kiss. Moments I treasure … moments that stay with me long after they are gone.
Take time in your life to treasure those moments… a kiss, a warm embrace, a glance in your direction, a smile, a touch … time passes so quickly and our lives are filled with things to be done.. don’t let these small but priceless treasures get lost in the busy… busy .. hustle of  day to day living.
When those moments come … take in the moment and relish it … allow yourself to truly be in that moment and not elsewhere.
Many Blessings,

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