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Monday, January 24, 2011

Daily Wisdom by Raventalker 1-24-2011

What? Shocked?

Why are you so shocked about how your life is going??? After all ... YOU are the one writing the book!

There is nothing we can do about the chapters we have already lived except to accept them as they were and move forward. How boring would life be if it were always perfect and there were no hills... no battles... no surprises or bends in the road.

It is not what comes your way that matters most .. it's how you handle it... how you get through it .. and how you move forward.

Don't dwell on past mistakes.. allow them to be lessons learned and move forward with better knowledge of what to do next time.

Find a moment right here .. right now to be happy ... wrap yourself in that feeling and don't be afraid of it .. sure it may only last a moment ... but you felt it .. you knew what it was .. and you were open to the experience ... it will be back! Just don't be afraid.. Allow it to come and go and you will find yourself wrapped in its light more often than not.

Many Blessings,

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